Random Thoughts With Nicole L. Turner

Embracing Fear and Aligning with Desires



I recently heard two quotes that stood out to me. "Fear Never Goes away. You become friends with it." "Everything you're looking for is looking for you." I said to myself, I should do a podcast on these two quotes. Fear is a natural and constant part of life. Become friends with fear. Accept and understand fear instead of resisting it.  Benefits of Making Friends with Fear: Increased Courage: When you accept fear, it loses its power to paralyze you. You can take action despite feeling afraid, which builds courage. Resilience: Facing fear head-on strengthens your ability to cope with challenges. Each time you confront fear, you become more resilient. Self-Awareness: Understanding your fears helps you gain insight into your inner world. This self-awareness can guide you towards personal growth and better decision-making. Create Space for Desires: By making friends with fear, you remove the mental and emotional barriers that hold you back. This creates space for your true desires to emerge and flourish. Clarity