Leave Your Mark

From the Deepest Darkness Shines the Brightest Light with Todd Durkin



This EP is a return visit for Todd Durkin.  Todd was one of my early guests in year one of the podcast. Todd is an internationally recognized strength, speed, and conditioning coach, personal trainer, body worker, motivational speaker, and author who motivates, educates, and inspires people worldwide.Since we first talked, a lot has happened worldwide, just a little pandemic in between!  A lot has happened in Todd's world as well. He's let go of full-time ownership of his baby Fitness Quest 10, and he's dealt with some debilitating back issues, business challenges, and serious challenges with fatigue. He's written and published a new book called "True Strength" all about the challenges he's overcome these past few years, and how it has shaped the next chapter in his life.  He is doubling down on his dedication to helping as many humans as he can live their best lives. You can find the launch here https://todddurkin.com/true-launch/There's a lot of vulnerability and clar