Oh Behave - Harmony In The Household With Your Pets, & Animal Behavior - Pets & Animals On Pet Life Radio (petliferadio.com)

Oh Behave - Episode 519 AVMA President Talks About Disaster Preparedness for Pets with Oh Behave Host Arden Moore



Hurricanes. Floods. Wildfires. Earthquakes, Tornados. Are you prepared for any natural disaster? Do you have a game plan on how to protect your pets? Join us on this Oh Behave show episode as AVMA President Dr. Rena Carlson shares tips and strategies to keep pets safe with host Arden Moore. She also shares the mission of the AVMA, an organization with more than 105,000 veterinarians in 60-plus countries. And, be sure to visit www.avma.org to learn more about disaster preparedness planning and get a checklist of what to include in advance for an evacuation kit for your pets. EPISODE NOTES: AVMA President Talks About Disaster Preparedness for Pets with Oh Behave Host Arden Moore