Nurah Speaks

(Ep 236) Clean Glass, Dirty Glass



The principle ‘Clean Glass, Dirty Glass’ teaches us that we do not need to condemn a dirty glass.  Instead, set a clean glass next to the dirty glass and the people can make their own choice based on the evidence we put before them. This principle is intended to make us understand that condemnation of what we believe to be an inferior program, an ineffective methodology or an inadequate leadership, teaching, coaching, parenting or business model is really unnecessary.  Where we are really challenged is in demonstrating what we say others should be doing.  Talking is always the easy part.  Establishing the superior results others can see, feel, touch and experience is something else.  In fact, this is the real work.   Unless we have something to show, our talk alone cannot lead anyone to anything. If you would like to engage with the Nurah Speaks podcast, submit your listener questions or topic suggestions to  Listeners can also learn more about Nurah by visiting her website:  NurahSp