Small Changes Big Shifts With Dr. Michelle Robin

How You Can Health Up in Just 5 Minutes a Day with Dr. Jaime Hope



You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. Do you find yourself consuming more entertaining than nourishing foods? What does healthy living truly look like and how can you get started today? Author of Habit That!: How You Can Health Up in Just 5 Minutes a Day, Dr. Jaime Hope, joins us to share how we can be the creators of healthier lives with small changes today that will lead to big shifts tomorrow. One of the many important shifts that she and Dr. Michelle Robin will discuss is how we can create healthier habits around nourishing vs. entertaining foods.  More About Dr. Hope Dr. Hope is a dual board-certified physician working outside of Detroit, Michigan, in one of the busiest emergency departments in the country.  In over twelve years on the job, she has learned that no matter what brought her patients to the ER, they all want the same thing: to live happier, healthier lives.  Whether she's helping patients, teaching future doctors, or engaging the local com