Taylor Marshall Catholic Show

#042: Golf Cart Saints [Podcast]



My goal this week is to talk about the process of sanctification. My good friend Dr. Ben Olson invited me to play golf with him this week and it reminded me how the spiritual life is like golf. Full of frustrations, sand traps, water hazards, and missed putts. We’ll go through what a typical game of golf looks like for me and then relate that to the Catholic doctrine of sanctification. Click to Listen: #042: Golf Cart Saints  If the audio player does not show up in your email or browser, please click here to listen. Weekly Joke: When the light turns green. Proverb of the week: Prov 1:1-6 Featured Segment: Golf Cart Sanctification Tip of the week: Mini-breaks Latin word of the week: Par Are you enjoying this podcast? Please share it on Facebook by clicking here. Please Share Your Feedback: 171,182 downloads on iTunes as of today. SHOUT OUT: A huge “shout out” to all 209 (!) of you who wrote amazing 5-star reviews at iTunes. Please rate this podcast by clicking here and the