Taylor Marshall Catholic Show

#080: Taylor’s Catholic Thoughts on Same Sex Marriage [Podcast]



I recorded a long cultural and theological reflection about my thoughts on Same-Sex Marriage, culture, and its relationship to nature and grace through the lens of Saint Thomas Aquinas. It's robustly Catholic, but without the hate and judgmentalism. Scroll down and click the "Play" button to begin listening: (http://taylormarshall.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/trad-marriage-stripes-e1435680073571.jpg) This audio program was initially only for the Members of the New Saint Thomas Institute (http://newsaintthomas.com). However, I'm getting so many inquiries on the subject, I'd like to make it available to everyone. I know that the Members of NSTI won't mind if we share this. Even more, I'm hearing from so many Catholics who did not hear one word about the Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage from the pulpit last Sunday, and they are confused. They want a Catholic perspective. So here goes. This is a crucial topic and if we don't get marriage right, our children will experience pains in the future. Bri