Taylor Marshall Catholic Show

#083: Revelation Chs. 10-11 The Giant Angel and Two Witnesses (Catholic Apocalypse Part 6)



Today we examine the Seventh Trumpet of the Apocalypse, the Gigantic Angel (?), and the identity of the Two Witnesses according to Saint Augustine and Saint Thomas Aquinas. We also step into some Christology and look at some of the Preterist details surrounding the two witnesses and their 42 month battle with the Beast. Please click on the file below to start listening. (http://taylormarshall.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Book-Of-Revelation-1024x734.png) Click to Listen: #083: Revelation Chs. 10-11 The Giant Angel and Two Witnesses (Catholic Apocalypse Part 6)   If the audio player does not show up in your email or browser, please click here to listen (http://media.blubrry.com/taylormarshall/content.blubrry.com/taylormarshall/TMShow_Revelation_6_7_Trumps_Part_2.mp3). Are you enjoying this podcast? Please share it on Facebook by clicking here (https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Ftaylormarshall.com%2F2015%2F07%2F083-the-giant-angel-and-two-witnesses-revelation-part-6-chapters-10-11.html)