Speak Up With Laura Camacho

263: Why You're Ruining Your Executive Presence By Neglecting Emotional Connection, And How To Fix It



Ever wonder why some professionals rise to the top effortlessly while others, who are often high performers, sometimes struggle to break through certain career ceilings?Welcome to Speak Up, the podcast for high-performing introverts, including you social introverts, where we reveal the charisma & communication secrets of A-Listers so you get the recognition and opportunities you deserve. I’m your host Laura Camacho, your magical communication godmother, coach, andstrategist. Take note that we now release episodes every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.For high-performing leaders like you, understanding the shift from being a standout individual contributor to an influential leader is crucial. This transformation often pivots not just on what you do, but how you communicate, build relationships, and present your personal brand within complex corporate environments where executive presence is key.In this dynamic episode, you'll pick up insider information from a leading public speaking coach, Diane Diaz, lead c