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Karen Abrams - ThetaHealing



Website: Instagram: Facebook: Topic: "Making the Message More Important Than the Messenger" "Karen Abrams - Theta Healing: A powerful technique to help shift the way you think to unlock your potential, gain clarity and create your best chapter now." We have come to an "interesting" time in history where the messenger has become more important than the message. It is part of human nature to be captivated by a charismatic person, party or movement. Yet if we can learn to trust ourselves and our inner voice to guide us, it will lead us to live our lives in alignment with who we truly are. Karen Abrams, a Master Theta Healer, uses a gentle and powerful meditation to help you connect with your inner wisdom so you can change the beliefs and release the trapped emotions that are keeping you from taking care of yourself and help you trust your intuition so you can create a more fulfilling life now. In this inte