Gospel Con Carne

Finally Finding Peace, with My Neighbor Tuana



On our newest episode of the Gospel Con Carne podcast, we are joined by our neighbor and friend, Tuana! Originally from Louisiana, Tuana grew up with her mom and two brothers. She says her mom’s drug problem forced the family to move around quite a bit, which left her to become involved with the wrong crowds from an early age. The pain Tuana experienced from the people she was left surrounded by led to her own drug use and ultimately left her in a state of living in her car. Thankfully, Tuana was connected to Community First! Village a year ago through our friends at Sunrise Church in Austin, and she has found immense peace since moving to the neighborhood. On any given day you will find Tuana tending to vegetables in the Village's aquaponics greenhouse or possibly driving her neighbors around the community on our Gus Bus. She's also a community builder! Since moving in, Tuana has discovered her gift of bringing the community together through cooking, which helps to create a safe and loving space for her fell