Andy Talks

Reflections with Andy - The Glory Within - Zechariah 2: 1-5



Today, we look at Zechariah 2, but when I read it, I was drawn to Revelation 21. Both passages show a vision of this “new” Jerusalem. Many things are said about it, but the primary thing is this. God is in the midst of it. God is there. God dwells there. He is the glory within. This future hope, it is a now, but not yet thing. It is now because now, you, me, and all of us who are Christians have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Christ in us, the hope of glory! But we also know that something even better is coming! So it is now, but not yet. Live in future hope today. But also live in present hope!Join us for our daily reflections with Andy. In 10 short minutes, he'll dig a little deeper into Scripture and help you better understand God's Word.If you'd like to receive this daily reflection on your phone, text @39110 to 81010 to sign up. You can read today’s passage here - can watch this in video form here -