Wallbuilders Live! With David Barton & Rick Green

Balancing Compassion and Law on Foundations of Freedom Thursday



First up on Foundations of Freedom Thursday, we answer a listener question about the proper Biblical response to the illegal immigration issue. We tackle this question from multiple angles—biblical, historical, and constitutional. This heartfelt inquiry sets the stage for a discussion on the federal government's failure to enforce immigration laws and our Christian duty to show compassion, drawing lessons from Matthew 25. Learn how participating in elections can ensure that laws are properly enforced, and discover ways to balance compassion with legal responsibility.Feeling overwhelmed by today’s political climate? Our next listener question is about civics. We offer vital insights into understanding civics and the political process. We discuss many must-read resources along the way. We argue for principles over partisanship. Let’s journey together through history to restore our national values of justice, due process, and freedom of speech. Don't miss our recommendations for deeper understanding an