Wallbuilders Live! With David Barton & Rick Green

Unpacking Legal Battles Over Faith, Freedom, and Schools - on Good News Friday



Today, being Good News Friday, we look at the top articles on David and Tim’s stack of good new articles- In New York, the NRA wins a major legal battle. In California, a trans pronoun policy is struck down. The University of North Carolina voted to defund all DEI policies in the school. The Kansas Legislature passes a bill to ban Chinese land purchases near military sites and they also override the governor’s veto of conservative policies on guns and life.How can you defend your rights in today's polarized legal landscape? Discover the groundbreaking Supreme Court ruling that united liberal and conservative justices to protect the NRA from ideological discrimination. We also unpack a significant California case where a Christian teacher won a substantial settlement after being fired for opposing a transgender pronoun policy, highlighting the ongoing clash between religious freedom and educational mandates.We address the monopolization of thought in schools and champion educational competition and parent