Rev Kodwo Lindsay

Loyalty and Disloyalty: Why Loyalty? Part 1



Proverbs 28:20 (KJV) “ A faithful man shall abound with blessings: but he that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent.”    In this service Reverend Lindsay introduces a new series on Loyalty and Disloyalty and preaches today on “Why Loyalty?”. Loyalty means to be faithful, consistent, reliable, and dependable. Faithfulness or loyalty is one of the greatest characteristics you can have. A faithful person who can find as it says Proverbs 20:6. So why loyalty first of all God himself is extremely faithful, He cannot deny himself. A lot of things you lose is because you change , insteading of staying the course. Loyalty is the principle qualification for every servant. Need loyalty to fight the fifth column. Fifth column is when those destroy from inside. For the love of God  to fill  the church.   Let us all be found to faithful stewards of all God has given us.