Hacks & Hobbies

E614- Richard Kaufman - How to Start a Successful Podcast from Scratch



In this episode, we get to speak with Richard Kaufman. Richard is a bestselling author, combat veteran, and one of the top podcast hosts with over 2 million downloads. We'll be discussing Richard's incredible journey from a ninth grade dropout to becoming a successful entrepreneur. We'll also get some of Richard's best tips for starting and growing a successful podcast. I know you'll find a lot of value from Richard's vast experience. So without further ado, let's jump right into our interview! Our Guest Everything is a Vertical Momentum Podcast. www.verticalmomentumpodcast.com 3 Hacks to take away Define your target audience and create a clear avatar for who your perfect listener is. Tailor your content specifically for them. Have a clear purpose, power, and profit model for your podcast. Make sure there is a reason for listeners to tune in beyond entertainment. Find the right mentors to learn from and be teachable. Don't be afraid to ask for help from more experience