Inspiring You With Henri Hebert

Energy Forecast for June 2024 | Ep 395



Let's Welcome the month of June in! The Month of May had a lot of cosmic energies that swooped in that didn't allow a lot of integration time. So, how are you doing? Take a moment to check in right now. We have been detoxing old programming since the solar flares came in during May and we will continue to purge heavier energies through June. This is part of what is making the energy feel off, when these lower energies surface within us, they are being called to be cleared. But what can happen is if we haven't had enough time to clear, process, and integrate new energies - it can cause frenzied energy in system.  This month is moving in fast, with incredible power to bring greater light, love, wisdom, and understanding to the world. Especially in transformational times like these, when Light energy is needed more than ever. After quantum leaping through May, we’ve arrived at the blue skies and green waters of June. It brings powerful energies to begin to clear karmic conflicts in personal and glob