Inspiring You With Henri Hebert

Embracing Balance: A Guide to June 2024's Energy Forecast in Categories and Timeframes | Ep 398



Embracing Balance: Insights for June’s Journey: A Guide to June 2024's Energy Forecast in Categories and Timeframes. June Energy Forecast: Balance, Self-Love, and Growth Balance: June invites us to balance between the physical world’s demands (focus, concentration) and spiritual insights. Embrace energetic highs and calming lows, remaining non-judgmental. Balance being and doing—alternate action with rest, meditation. Reflect on dualities (light vs. dark, known vs. unknown). Self-Love and Growth: Reflect on the past six months, set intentions for the second half of the year. Address imbalances in relationships and strive for harmony. Prioritize rest and discern your own energy. Business Partnerships and Projects: Refine intentions, ask for help, embrace change. Consider personal value and self-esteem. Balance workload and expect changes in commitments. Environment: Work with extreme weather patterns, appreciate their power. Clear and release stagnant energy in you