Rise To Inspire




On this episode we are talking about your alter ego and who you represent could help you get to the next level in your creative quest. Black Mamba, Sasha Fierce (Beyonce), The Rock, Adele. These names are synonymous with various attributes, qualities, demeanor, strengths, and resilience. And what you believe to be true has incredible effects on your mind and your body. The Batman Effect refers to the finding that children perform better on a challenging task if they pretend to be someone else, such as Batman, who would be good at the task. One of my favorite movies that I refer to often is The Dark Knight rises, the villain Bane talks to Federal agents before he proceeds to kill them, telling them know one knew who he was before he put on the mask. We put on our personas everyday when we wake up ready to show up in the world. If you had an alter ego who would it be? How would that persona show up? What are the morals, values, etc. that your alter ego would have? What would it represent? What are your non