Jay Wallar.com Podcast

Sermon: Watchman On The Wall | Dr. Jay Wallar



Part #3 of series: Prayer Intercession is a powerful act of standing in the gap, praying on behalf of others, and seeking God's mercy and intervention in their lives. One of the most inspiring biblical examples of intercession is found in the book of Daniel. Daniel, a man of unwavering faith, interceded fervently for his country and fellow man during a time of great distress and uncertainty. In this episode, we'll journey through Daniel's heartfelt prayers, his deep concern for his people, and his unwavering trust in God's promises. We'll uncover how Daniel's intercession not only impacted his nation but also serves as a timeless model for us today. Whether you're a seasoned prayer warrior or just beginning your journey of intercession, Daniel's story will encourage and inspire you to stand in the gap for those in need.