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Judy Wilkins-Smith - Awakening Your Superhero Within Find Your Purpose, Ignite Your Power



Not Feeling the Love this Valentine’s Day? Your Ancestry Could be Messing with Your Love Life Decode the Emotional DNA you’ve inherited from your family system to finally understand, break free and create the relationship you desire. People the world over are fascinated with their ancestry. Over 100M family trees have been built on alone, but it turns out we don’t just inherit our physical DNA. Neuroscience and epigenetics show there are many other kinds of patterns we inherit- patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors called Emotional DNA. Our Relationship Patterns are an example of our Emotional DNA. Quite unconsciously, we tend to base our behaviors on the models that precede us. If we look at the nature of our own relationships, chances are we may find at least one multi-generational pattern lurking somewhere. Do you feel resentful and put upon because you’re always the responsible one? Perhaps your mother and/or your grandmother had to shoulder most all the responsibility for