Japan Today

Aug 24, 2018: Basketball disgrace, super volunteer, Miss Top Gun, The Urinator and Marilyn & Joe



In this week's news from Japan Today: Japanese basketball players have to leave the Asian Games in Jakarta after getting caught with prostitutes, an elderly volunteer is setting an example in western Japan, Japan’S newest fighter pilot is a young women inspired by the movie “Top Gun,” man arrested at Narita airport for urinating on passenger mid-flight and that time in 1954 when Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio visited Japan on their honeymoon. https://japantoday.com/ Rate and review us: https://itunes.apple.com/jp/podcast/japan-today/id517133982?mt=2 This weeks stories: Blink! Community Workspace - https://blinkcommunity.com/ Basketball Disgrace — https://japantoday.com/category/sports/4-Japanese-basketball-players-sent-home-from-Asian-Games-after-night-with-prostitutes-in-hotel GaijinPot 2018 West Japan Aid - https://blog.gaijinpot.com/western-japan-floods-and-rain-disaster/ Super Volunteer — https://japantoday.com/category/national/%E2%80%98Super-volunteer%E2%80%99-who-found-missing-child-helping-res