Japan Today

Nov. 9, 2018: Unfair trade, knives out, blood money, the mummy and Japan Yesterday.



In this week's news from Japan Today: U.S. President Donald Trump makes the news in Japan again for his treatment of a Japanese reporter; passengers will be banned from carrying knives aboard all trains in Japan starting next year; the CEO of SoftBank — one of Japan’s richest men — defends his company accepting Saudi money in the wake of the Kashoggi killing; a man who hasn’t left his house in 40 years has been arrested for abandoning the corpse of his mother plus we look at the 1934 visit to Japan by baseball legend Babe Ruth — the sultan of swat, the Great Bambino — in 1934 in our latest Japan Yesterday segment. https://japantoday.com/ Rate and review us: https://itunes.apple.com/jp/podcast/japan-today/id517133982?mt=2 This weeks stories: Unfair Trade — https://japantoday.com/category/politics/Trump-says-Japan-treats-U.S.-unfairly-on-trade-by-not-taking-more-American-cars Knives Out — https://japantoday.com/category/national/passengers-to-be-banned-from-carrying-knives-onto-all-trains-in-april Blood Mo