Japan Today

March 1, 2019: Ace of U.S. Base, Diet Rapist, Bad Mom, Shovel It, Spaced Out and Tom Thumb.



In this week's news from Japan Today: PM Abe says he won’t scrap the relocation of a U.S. military base in Okinawa even after it was rejected by the people in a referendum; an ruling party lawmaker has resigned from the legislature amid allegations that he raped a woman; an association in Fukushima Prefecture is promoting shoveling snow as fun, good for you and will bring positive vibes from others; sadly another child abuse story this week about yet another bad mom; the Japanese space agency successfully landed a craft on an asteroid 300 million miles from earth plus a Tokyo university has delivered the world’s smallest — healthy — baby boy. https://japantoday.com/ Rate and review us: https://itunes.apple.com/jp/podcast/japan-today/id517133982?mt=2 This weeks stories: Ace of U.S. Base — https://japantoday.com/category/politics/Abe-says-gov't-to-stick-to-Okinawa-base-plan-despite-referendum-result Diet Rapist — https://japantoday.com/category/politics/ex-ldp-lawmaker-offers-to-give-up-diet-seat-amid-rape