Mind Matters

OCD: Beyond the Neat & Orderly



You often hear people reference their own OCD, but there’s far more to it than just the desire to be orderly or neat. Today, Emily Kircher-Morris explores the topic of obsessive compulsive thinking patterns, their impact on individuals, and the importance of discussing mental health with children. Jessica Whipple, author of 'I Think I Think a Lot,' shares her personal experiences with OCD and the coping strategies she has developed. The conversation also highlights the significance of representation in children's literature and the role of books in teaching coping skills. If you’re curious about OCD, this episode will help. Takeaways Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by obsessive thinking and compulsive behaviors, which can manifest in various ways such as contamination fears, taboo thoughts, and perfectionism. Children's literature plays a crucial role in representing diverse experiences, teaching coping skills, and reducing stigma around mental health and neurodivergence. Exposure a