Small Changes Big Shifts With Dr. Michelle Robin

How End of Life Doulas Ease Fears Around Death with Dr. Tamara MacIntyre



"People are beginning to get comfortable with the idea that it requires just as much planning to transition out of this world as it does to give birth and bring a new soul into this world.” - Dr. Tamara MacIntyre  According to a recent study, nearly half of participants (47 percent) admitted they were afraid of death. Some of those factors include fear of pain and suffering, fear of the unknown, fear of non-existence, fear of eternal punishment, fear of loss of control, and fear of what will become of our loved ones. In today’s episode, Dr. Michelle Robin invites Dr. Tamara MacIntyre to share why there are ways a person can begin to get comfortable with the idea of dying with the help of an end-of-life doula. Dr. Tamara will also share her story of becoming this type of doula for people, and some of the greatest lessons she has learned about living through those facing death soon. She will also unpack why it’s just as important to have an end-of-life doula as it is to have a birth doula. “People don’t even kn