Living On The Edge With Chip Ingram Daily Podcast

Love One Another - How to Resolve Conflict in Relationships, Part 1



Do you ever wonder why good, Godly relationships have conflict? If I love God and you love God and we love each other, then shouldn’t we have a relationship free of conflict? Unfortunately, the answer is, no. Chip shares some ways of living in harmony with those around you and how to handle conflict effectively when it arises.Main PointsHow important is living in harmony?Jesus prayed for it.Scripture commands it.The Church practiced it.The world was transformed by it.What causes disharmony or conflict?Growth/Unmet NeedsTheological DifferencesPhilosophical DifferencesPersonality DifferencesCarnalityHow can we restore harmony in relationships?Refuse to tolerate disunity.Embrace conflict as normal and unavoidable.Be the initiator in conflict resolution.Deal with you before you deal with them.Meet together ASAP and outline the issue!If resolution does not occur, follow the Biblical guidelines of Matthew 18Broadcast ResourceDownload Free MP3 Message Notes Additional Resource Mentions"Portrait of a Father&q