Mo' Money Podcast | Personal Finance With Jessica Moorhouse

3 The Shopping Ban - Cait Flanders from Blonde on a Budget



Cait Flanders from the popular personal finance blog Blonde on a Budget and I talk about her recent debt pay-off, her shopping ban and her new simplistic lifestyle. Long episode description: I really looked forward to having Cait Flanders from Blonde on a Budget on my podcast. I think she was actually one of the first guests I approached to be on the show and she said yes right away (thanks Cait!). Not only is Cait one of my all-time favourite personal finance bloggers, we’ve also become really great friends over the past few years. She is seriously just as genuine in-person as she is on her blog, which is why I think we get along so well. I’m a give it to me (and give it to you) straight kinda gal and Cait is definitely one of the most honest people and bloggers I know. Not many people could write about getting themselves out of debt and embarking on a shopping ban like she does. A bit of background on how this episode came together, I actually recorded it on site in Vancouver. I went to Vancouver in March t