Mo' Money Podcast | Personal Finance With Jessica Moorhouse

022 This Is How You Make Your Budget Sexy - J. Money, Blogger at Budgets Are Sexy



J. Money from the popular personal finance blog Budgets Are Sexy and I talk about making money online, getting fired, giving away $90,000 and making budgets sexy again. Long episode description: J. Money from Budgets Are Sexy and Rockstar Finance has been in the personal finance game since 2008, so he knows what’s going on when it comes to talking money. In this episode, we discuss how he became a blogger, why getting fired was the best thing that ever happened to him and how he’s been able to give back in a big way.  Not only is J. Money just a super cool, genuine guy — I owe him a big one because talking to him for this episode was the kick in the pants I needed to move forward with my rebrand and future money coaching business. You know when you have an idea, but are just too scared to take action because it’s not perfect yet? I’m a big perfectionist, and it’s definitely held me back from trying new things and taking risks that could help me in the long run. But J. Money is such a an inspiring guy with eve