Mo' Money Podcast | Personal Finance With Jessica Moorhouse

029 What a Real Success Story Sounds Like - Jacques Hardy, My Grandpa



I interview my grandpa, Jacques Hardy, in his home in Chilliwack, BC for this podcast episode because his story is the ultimate success story. He describes his family as "poverty stricken" growing up, he had 8 siblings and had to start paying his own way at 17. Although the odds were against him (he failed grade 7 twice and was fired from a number of jobs), he was able to find a successful career in the military to help support his young family and eventually move across the country for a better life. Long episode description: This episode is why I’m so glad I have a podcast. Finally, I have a medium to share my grandpa’s incredible story. He literally started out dirt poor. Poverty stricken was actually the term he used. He was born in Saint-Sylvère, Quebec, had 8 siblings and had to start paying his own way at 17. If you think that sounds hard, his dad was orphaned at 5 years old and started working at 11! He eventually became a butcher and sold his meat door-to-door. But still, when he got married, all he