Mo' Money Podcast | Personal Finance With Jessica Moorhouse

032 How to Raise Money-Smart Kids - Robin Taub, Author & Financial Consultant



I talk with financial consultant, public speaker and author Robin Taub about her book "A Parent's Guide to Raising Money-Smart Kids" and what advice she would give to parents about teaching their kids about personal finance at any age. Long episode description: I was lucky enough to meet Robin Taub at the Canadian Personal Finance Conference in Toronto this fall, and I’m so glad I did. She spoke at the conference about how she penned and published her best-selling book A Parent’s Guide to Raising Money-Smart Kids and how she went from chartered accountant to public speaker, author and personal finance media spokesperson. Although I don’t have kids (and don’t plan on starting a family for a few years yet), raising money-smart kids is one topic I knew I needed to cover on the podcast. I think for all of us to become smarter with our money, we need to be educated about it. And the sooner we learn the fundamentals of personal finance in life, the better chance we have at becoming successful and financially stable