Mo' Money Podcast | Personal Finance With Jessica Moorhouse

034 Breaking the Twitch - Anthony Ongaro, Blogger & YouTuber at Break the Twitch



I talk with vlogger, blogger and entrepreneur Anthony Ongaro about how he climbed out of a mountain of debt and came out of the experience stronger by living life with more intention and integrating minimalism into his daily life. Long episode description: I was introduced to Anthony by my good pal Cait Flanders from Blonde on a Budget after I asked her if she knew of any guests who would be great for my show. She was right in pointing me to Anthony because he is seriously such a genuine, smart and inspirational guy. If you need some motivation to pay down your debt, declutter your house and live life to the fullest — Anthony is your guy. In this episode, we discuss some of Anthony’s key philosophies that he often writes about on his blog Break the Twitch and talks about on his YouTube channel. What Does it Mean to Break the Twitch? When I think of twitch, I think of someone who has a weird eye twitch they can’t control. And that’s sort of the same thing that Anthony is referring to, but instead of an uncontr