Mo' Money Podcast | Personal Finance With Jessica Moorhouse

038 How to Survive Financial Hardships like a Fighter - Tahnya Kristina, Blogger at Blonde & Balanced



In this episode, I talk to certified financial planner, freelance writer and Blonde & Balanced blogger Tahnya Kristina about how she lost her job during the 2007 financial crisis, and then turned that into an opportunity to become debt-free and never be put in that position again. Long episode description: I’ve known Tahnya Kristina for several years — initially from the personal finance blogging world, then when we were roommates at FinCon 2014. The one thing that always amazes me about Tahnya is how no matter what, she always has such a positive attitude. Case in point, when she lost her job as a certified financial planner during the financial crisis and had to dig her way out of debt and find a new source of income. It wasn’t easy going from earning a good pay cheque as a commission-only CFP, to becoming unemployed and not sure where to go. But like so many successful people, Tahnya turned those lemons into lemonade and fought her way to a better life. She could have easily thrown her hands up and given i