Mo' Money Podcast | Personal Finance With Jessica Moorhouse

040 Small Town, Big Dreams: A Success Story - Gina Kennedy, Radio Host, Voice Actor & Rockstar



Gina Kennedy is a radio host, voice actor and rockstar and she is still in her 20s. In this episode, Gina and I talk about how anything is possible when it comes to your career — no matter how big your dreams are, or how small your hometown is. Long episode description: Gina Kennedy is a prime example of how even if you come from a small town, if you’ve got big dreams the sky is the limit! Gina is originally from Abercrombie, Nova Scotia. A town so small that when I tried to look up the current population, I could only find one website that said the town was not included in Statistics Canada’s census and therefore the population is unknown. Yup, that’s a small town. But that small town didn’t have much bearing on Gina’s ambitions. She wanted to work in the music industry and nothing was going to stop her. So she moved to the biggest city in the province — Halifax. Still, that wasn’t big enough and so her next move was to Toronto where she currently lives. What I love about Gina is that once she sets her mind