Mo' Money Podcast | Personal Finance With Jessica Moorhouse

041 How to Make That Bacon - Karen Yap from Makin' the Bacon



On this episode of the Mo' Money Podcast, I talk with Karen Yap, personal finance blogger from Makin' the Bacon, about how to make more money, quit your unfulfilling job and rock your dream career. Long episode description: Karen Yap has been blogging about personal finance over at Makin’ the Bacon for close to 4 years and she’s learned a lot about making money and switching careers during that time. Although she considers herself to be a bit of a job hopper, what she really is is a woman who doesn’t want to settle and has big aspirations — just like we all do. I can definitely relate to Karen’s story because I myself have switched careers, and when I initially started my personal finance blog under the name Mo’ Money Mo’ Houses, you bet I wanted to make money of it! I can definitely agree with her though that blogging is not an “easy” way to make money (and any blogger who says it is, well, their either full of crap or their doing something fishy). Blogging (not to mention podcasting) is like having a second