Mo' Money Podcast | Personal Finance With Jessica Moorhouse

043 Planning for Tomorrow Without Sacrificing Today - Roger Whitney, Blogger/Podcaster at Retirement Answer Man



Retirement planning doesn't have to be boring, and it doesn't mean you have to sacrifice today to afford a better life tomorrow. In this episode, Retirement Answer Man Roger Whitney and I discuss the different strategies you can try to plan for a better, richer future. Long episode description: Roger Whitney sure is the Retirement Answer Man. Not only does he have his own personal finance blog and podcast focused on retirement, he’s also a CFP®, CIMA®, CPWA® and AIF®. That’s a lot of designations, so he I knew he’d be the one to turn to to chat about retirement planning. Now, Roger has a very interesting story. I definitely encourage you to watch the video I’ve included below where he goes more in-depth about his background, but for the Coles Notes version Roger is so passionate about educating others about retirement planning because of his mom. You see, he was raised by a single mom who worked tirelessly to provide for her family. Her plan was to work hard today so she could relax and enjoy life in retireme