Mo' Money Podcast | Personal Finance With Jessica Moorhouse

044 How to Do Your Taxes like a Pro - Gerry Vittoratos, Tax Specialist at UFile



I interview UFile tax specialist Gerry Vittoratos on what tips we should all know so we can do our taxes like a pro and get the biggest tax refund possible. Long episode description: As I mentioned at the beginning of this episode, before I launched this podcast one of the topics I hoped to cover down the road was taxes. You may think that taxes are complicated, intimidating, boring, or maybe you just don’t want to think about them at all. No matter the case, we all have to do our taxes every year, so we might as well educate ourselves so we can get the best possible tax refund. I still remember the first year I did my taxes on my own. I used UFile to file online and I was terrified. I had no idea where to start and thought the process would take me a few weeks. Luckily at 24 my finances were very simple and UFile was very easy to use, so it ended up only taking me a few hours. Since then, I’ve gotten married and my finances have definitely become a lot more complicated. The one big thing that has changed is