Mo' Money Podcast | Personal Finance With Jessica Moorhouse

353 Exposing the Canadian Financial Industry - Jason Pereira, CFA, CFP and Partner at Woodgate Financial Inc.



The Canadian financial industry can be overwhelming, there are so many different designations, plus what's the difference between a financial advisor and a financial adviser? To help answer some of these questions about the industry and more, I have a long-time financial planner and industry advocate Jason Pereira on the show today.  Jason Pereira is a CFA, CFP (in Canada and U.S.), RFP, TEP, FCSI, CIWM, PFP, and FMA, plus holds two degrees including his MBA. He's the founding President of the Financial Planning Association of Canada, a director of the Institute of Advanced Financial Planners, and a director of the Individual Finance and Insurance Decision Centre. He currently serves as a columnist and advisory board member of the Globe and Mail's Globe Advisor. In this episode, Jason answers so many questions pertaining to the industry, including the difference between fee-only and no-fee advisors, how financial designations work in Canada, and what terrible advice to avoid at all costs. Jason also expla