Mo' Money Podcast | Personal Finance With Jessica Moorhouse

390 What Every Canadian Should Know About Money - Academic Director of McGill Personal Finance Essentials Benjamin Croitoru



When my Canadian listeners ask me "I want to get a hold of my money, but I don't know where to start, also I'm looking for something that's free..." that's when I direct them to one of the best free personal finance resources around — the McGill Personal Finance Essentials course. Having first launched in November 2019 as free way to improve Canadians' financial literacy, it now boasts over 200,000 participants, and lucky you (and me), I've got Dr. Benjamin Croitoru on the podcast to talk all about it! Benjamin serves as the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs and an Assistant Professor of Finance, McGill Desautels Faculty of Management. But more importantly, he's the Academic Director of the McGill Personal Finance Essentials online course and has been vital in its development and in helping so many Canadians level up their financial lives over the past 5 years. I wanted to bring him on the show to share why the course was built, what you can expect as a student, and some of the key things every Canadi