Empire Files

[PREVIEW] Tulsi's Gabbard's Memoir: A Book About Nothing



FULL EPISODE now available on the EYES LEFT PODCAST wherever you stream shows. Tulsi Gabbard’s bid to be Trump’s VP is laid out in her debut book: a memoir which must hide her personal & political past. Mike made the painful journey of reading it, and took Julian Feeld & Josh Ettingermentum along for the ride. Follow Julian Feeld on Twitter: ⁠https://x.com/julianfeeld⁠ Listen to his QAA Podcast at: ⁠https://www.qanonanonymous.com⁠ Follow Josh Ettingermentum on Twitter: ⁠https://x.com/ettingermentum⁠ Read & Subscribe to his Substack: https://www.ettingermentum.news SUPPORT Eyes Left by donating to Empire Files, a media non-profit: https://www.patreon.com/empirefiles