The Todd Herman Show

Young People Must Recognize What Has Been Stolen From Them Ep-1621



We have a lot of pictures and videos on today’s show of when growing up was growing up. Those were the days. Most of you probably didn't get to experience free range play when you risked your life on a 30 foot jungle gym. There are far more serious things though that have been stolen. It is not uncommon for the sexual left to degrade Christ, but I will tell you about where this degradation took place and it should surprise you. Another thing that is being stolen is your financial heritage. There is a financial heritage in this county, a reason why the founding fathers said to stay out of debt. Nancy Pelosi, a woman famous for insider trading, says that Trump is getting hung up by Russia by something financial. Something fundamental that is being stolen from you is the knowledge that God placed the globe in the exact position it should be, with the correct amount sunlight down to the degree. Despite his design, the climate grifters, like Klaus Schwab's daughter, are saying that climate lockdowns will happen wh