Will Mosley

I've Been In My Head. Time To Reset.



I feel like I've been missing a month. With the doom of my SL2, getting my Rode Wireless GO system and finding out after publishing my first impressions my audio jack was also broken in the camera and dealing with overwhelm of work and family, editing this film is a breath of fresh air. Thank you Laura for binge watching Rhythm & Flow. That shiz is dope. Thanks for hanging yesterday Stove and drinking Kava and hot chocolate with me.. For anyone that actually reads these things, the audio is clipping from the Wireless GO, I'll need to adjust my audio to Manual vs Automatic in the next one. Also, the main talking head point was done with the 50mm 1.4 with the Wireless GO. - Oh and you probably know by now Websites are the worst. Let me do them for you or someone you know - heywillmosley.com