In The Market With Janet Parshall

Hour 1: Lamps For Your Feet



On In The Market with Janet Parshall this week we kicked off the week by lengthening your prayer list for of the biggest influencers in our world today, the entertainment industry. Our favorite Hollywood missionary shared more stories of famous people in need of heavenly intervention in their lives. For a while it seemed that the push for DEI acceptance and integration into all parts of our lives was going to win, but we spoke to a civil rights pioneer who explained why more and more states are backing away from DEI acceptance and what one state has chosen to do instead. He also put the truth to the lie of systemic racism. When we live with Heaven in mind it changes the WAY we live. That is a lesson our guest our guest learned after the unexpected death of his young son. He shared the transformative power of living as a citizen of Heaven while we are still on the earth. Once upon a time there were a core set of values and truths that Americans believed and lived by but that time has passed. Now God has called