Left Of Lansing

127: Rebalancing The Scales w/ Democratic Congressional Candidate Dr. Bob Lorinser



Here's episode 87 of Michigan's premier progressive podcast! Dr. Bob Lorinser is running to become the Democratic candidate for Michigan's 1st congressional district, comprising of northern Michigan, and the entire U.P. He is trying to challenge Republican Congressman Jack Bergman for the second straight time after losing to Bergman in '22. But Dr. Lorinser believes this time around, he won't only challenge Bergman, but he believes he'll win thanks to the experiences of his previous run and also due to name recognition. Dr. Lorinser explains how he'll be a true representative for the district because not only does he want to improve the lives of people, but he actually LIVES in the district, unlike Bergman. He also talks about how he'll fight to rebalance the scales once he arrives in Washington D.C., by focusing on expanded health care access, education, and a living wage. Pat celebrates Democrat Kelli van Ginhoven finally getting to take the seat she won in the recall races for the Delta County Commission