Better Everyday With Sarah And Dr. Brooke

Dr Brooke Show #398 Making Sense of Blood Sugar Testing: Hemoglobin A1C, Glycomark, CGMs and More



For more info on how I can help you visit my site    What test is the most accurate assessment of your blood sugar, insulin resistance or glucose variability? I cover the lab testing that you would get from your doctor: fasting glucose and Hemoglobin A1C as the most common ones, as well as Fructosamine and Glycomark. As well testing you might not be getting that you could easily request such as fasting insulin or C-Peptide. And there is testing you likely have like LDH that you didn’t know was related to blood sugar levels. Lastly, how does at home monitoring play in for you in terms of using a glucometer or a CGM (continuous glucose monitor).   Which test is best? I cover what these tests tell you, why it’s key to know what you’re looking for, what might be covered by insurance and where you fall on the blood sugar problem spectrum: looking for optimal health and prevention vs. prediabetic or overt insulin resistance.    And the newer question we need to be asking: is it just high blood