Inspiring You With Henri Hebert

The Energies of the Sagittarius Full Moon: May 2024 Insights | Ep 392



The Full Moon in Sagittarius: Embracing Joy and Adventure This month's full moon in Sagittarius can be a dreamy beneficial portal for manifestation. Here’s what this energy invites us to explore: The Full Moon in Sagittarius invites us to step into a world of adventure, joy, and play. It’s a rare celestial event that encourages us to seek out joy, lighten up, and embrace the richness of life’s emotions, learning wisdom, how to transmute, transform and bringing in joy, abundance, gratitude: 1. Release and Reset: As the brightest night of the lunar cycle, the Full Moon illuminates our internal landscape. It’s a time to release what no longer supports us, face our shadows, and let go of fear-based decisions. Sagittarius, the eternal student, urges us to explore new perspectives and leave our comfort zones. 2. Taking Leaps of Faith: Sagittarius compels us to trust that the best will unfold. It encourages us to focus on the positive and cultivate higher vibrations. Even if we don’t know the outcome, this en