American Gypc

S4 E 10 - Building a Successful Eco-safe Cleaning Business with Alexia Antoniadis



On today's episode I had the pleasure of talking to Alexia Antoniadis about overcoming addiction and mental health to build a successful cleaning business. Alexia is the founder of Earth Cleaning, one of Melbourne Australia's most trusted eco-safe cleaning companies. About Alexia After struggling with addiction and mental health issues throughout my time at university, I started working as a domestic cleaner so that I wouldn't need to speak or interact with anyone. I found cleaning to be therapeutic and something I could manage to do to generate income that was tolerable, but never viewed it as a long term opportunity. After COVID-19 I was out of work, and on Centrelink benefits, studying became even more difficult as I was remote learning, had to sit in front of a screen and could not ask questions. After becoming desperate for money I tried many ways of generating quick income until eventually arriving at the conclusion that each income generation would be difficult in it's own way and i