Jonny Gould's Jewish State

140: Avi Issacharoff, Fauda co-creator: "October 7th has restored pride and understanding that antisemitism won't win this time. We're the good guys""



Support Jonny's podcast here, buy Jonny a coffee! For 20 years, Avi Issacharoff has been an accomplished Israeli author and journalist and now he's emerged as the internationally renowned television drama producer, the co-creator of hit TV series of Fauda. How has October 7th changed Israel? Every family has been affected and Israel has become one big family. Avi’s Fauda family too.  Do we have the stomach for another series, isn’t it just too close to home?  And while the world from the White House down to the United Nations and the depths of the BBC is seemingly waged against the Hamas endgame, Avi restates Israel’s position: the war could be over now.  Fauda’s cut through about Israel’s plight to a watching world more strongly than any factual news report seems to. What does Avi put that success down to?  And who is Fauda’s best actor? Find out right here! Buy Jonny a coffee! Support Jonny's podcast here Find more of Jonny's video and audio podcasts here. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.f