Career Yoga

Jackie Donner about the future of flexible work. Work from whenever and wherever you want.



Jackie Donner is an oxford graduate and has been a lawyer for 15 years at top firms in London and in Israel. She was on her path of becoming a partner in the law firm she worked for and than....she gave birth and became a mom to three amazing children. This transition made her feel the glass ceiling of her career: she had to choose between getting promoted or spending the enough time with her children. Over the years it is what made her co-found:"Law Flex", which is following the trend of flexible working and allowing lawyers to continue to serve top firms on their own terms, working from wherever they want and whenever they want. Today law flex is serving 130 lawyers and providing law services to top firms all over the world. This episode talks about work life balance, the future of flexible work and the challenges and opportunities that being a parent brings to your career.