Geek Pub Songs With Marc Gunn

Mongolian Monkey Devil of Tam Lin's Ballad #17



Back with lots of new gigs with Brobdingnagian Bards. Plus I ponder how to start my own Renaissance Festival. Songs: "Whiskey, You're the Devil" by Bruno's Boys from Last Call "Monkeys Over Mongolia" by Marc Gunn from unavailable "Tam Lin" by Nick Hennessey from Of Fire, Wind and Silver Stream Notes: Brobdingnagian Bards - Irish, Folk & Celtic Music in Texas MiddleFaire, Hillsboro, Texas Bedlam Bards Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers How to Successfully Start Up and Promote a Renaissance Festival - Manage Your Mailing Lists Queen Anne's Lace and "Infidelity" The Village Idiot's Guide to Renaissance Festivals The Next Renaissance Festival CD The Holy Grail of Irish Drinking Songs The Limeybirds Bards Crier Music Marketing Ezine Irish & Celtic Music Podcast: Celtic Men & Celtic Women Intro music by The Tea Merchants Whiskey, You're the Devilwords and music traditional Whiskey, you're the devil, you're leadin' me astrayOver hills and mountains and to AmericaeYou're sweeter, st